
the converging of therapeutic practices & art into one

what we do

A white lightbulb contained by a green circle.


Promoting mental health literacy through programs and workshops, Therapicasso works to uplift individuals and communities through education.

A microphone speaker contained by a dark green circle.


Therapicasso advocates for mental health awareness and destigmatization through creative expression and community engagement.

Two hands holding a heart contained by a dark green circle.


Through events and workshops, Therapicasso aims to empower youth to speak up and open discussion on mental health.


A group of teenagers looking at a bag of tea from company Tiesta Tea. Multiple people can be seen around them participating in their booth.


Therapicasso offers creatively focused workshops honed to various age groups. Workshops are tailored to shed light onto a variety of mental health related topics, such as coping mechanisms and stigma. If you are interested in commissioning us to host a workshop for your school or organization, please contact us.

A closeup of a person coloring a coloring book tablecloth at an event.


Recognizing the need for mental health awareness at a young age, our aspiration is to collaborate with school to utilize art-centric programs for students. Our goal is to engage students in activities that not only inspire creativity, but also serve as a platform for open discussions on mental health.